lily’s youtube debut!

video from father’s day, featuring the cutest little girl ever.

planning to busk in plymouth tomorrow, either across the street from the rock or in brewster gardens. probably won’t be starting until 5:00 or 6:00 due to the predicted 90+ degree weather. ugh. why can’t this summer be nice to me?

About a silent soapbox

busking for change and changing everything. View all posts by a silent soapbox

6 responses to “lily’s youtube debut!

  • oakenguy

    I know, this whole week’s been muggy and awful. One performer always works the Esplanade this time each year, and I have no idea how she does it.

  • kitschaster

    Omg, I watched this with my boyfriend, and he thought this video was awesome. And that little girl ZOMG! We D’AAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWW’ed our way through this video. But upon watching it, oh dear god. I would have to overcome my slight fear of people first. It hard enough for me to speak with customers, much less play with children AND be a statue.
    And you stand so still! This statue is so cool. I really loved your bellydancer statue, but I love how clean this one feels as well. And I’m jealous of how good you are with kids.

    • kitschaster

      ….overcome my slight fear of people first if I ever decided to statue^^^
      …I should have said.

    • asilentsoapbox

      one of the primary reasons i got into living statuary was because i was desperately trying to find an artform that “fit”. i was kind of a jack of all trades, master of none. i had so much artistic expression in me, waiting to find a way out, but nothing i tried was really doing the job.
      i also had [and still kind of have remnants of] terrible social anxiety. performance-type things appealed to me until i thought about speaking in front of an audience. but statues don’t talk! they just stand really still and look pretty. it was perfect. and, actually, it’s done a lot to help me get over my anxieties. i always end up talking to a lot of strangers whenever i take a break, which used to be kind of scary, but now it’s totally easy and comfortable.

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